About Minerva Meat.
Mainly large scale poultry processing projects involved with design, technological development and project management. The industry is know for the relative high technological status and high level of automation. Exciting new fast chilling concept which can reduce the evaporating losses who occur during chilling significant. The technology is patented.
The cattle processing industry is, like with sheep, very labor intensive. For that reason is labor saving an important aspect. New designs from stunning boxes, carcass cooling and overhead rail systems have realized significant steps in improving the cattle processing industry.
An increasing industry with room for technological developments. Reducing stress for the animals is the start from each processing facility.The processing industry is labor intensive. We have realized significant improvements e.g. in terms of labor saving, reducing weight losses during chilling.
Latest Projects
Project management large upgrade project in Mexico. Finalized the first sheep slaughterline based on a new depelting concept.
Years Experience
Intensive amount of experience in different continents and cultures. With a decent scientific and practical fundament.
Projects Done
the number and scale of projects are a sign itself and trigger new projects and new solutions and technological developments.